ACA in Munich

Currently there a three English-speaking ACA meetings in Munich, one is a in-person meeting, two are online:

Monday English ACA Meeting (in person): ACA Steps Workbook Meeting

Time: every Monday 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Meeting is active, new members welcome
Kloster St. Bonifaz (opposite gate dining room Haneberg-Haus, Karlstr. 34, 80333 Munich
Google Map | U2 Königsplatz (5 min walking distance) or Hauptbahnhof (S-Bahn, U-Bahn etc., 11 min walking distance)

We are using the ACA Steps Workbook, this meeting is a good jump-start into the ACA program.
The Monday Meeting is a closed meeting  (i.e. only for people who are ACAs; see below for exact definition). Feel free to drop by if you are an ACA or contact us if you have further questions or want to join the WhatsApp group “ACA MUC F2F”:

Thursday English ACA Meeting (online): Open Topic Meeting

Time: every Thursday from 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Currently not open for new members
Location: Online Meeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
You can also dial in using your phone: Germany: +49 721 6059 6510 | United States: +1 (571) 317-3116
Access Code: 778-802-565 | platform: GotoMeeting | Here is a quick how-to: Instructions

At the beginning of the meeting, we gather a list of open topics, that are current for us as ACA today. Everyone is welcome to propose topics. Sharing is centered around those topics.

Saturday English ACA Meeting (online)

Time: every Saturday 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Meeting is active, new members welcome
Location: Online Meeting
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
You can also dial in using your phone: Germany: +49 721 6059 6510 | United States: +1 (571) 317-3116
Access Code: 778-802-565 | platform: GotoMeeting | Here is a quick how-to: Instructions

We recently finished our work with “The Laundry Lists Workbook” and our group conscience has been to start a ACA Topics Meeting where the chairperson for that day gets to pick from any ACA approved literature the topic of the day.
The Saturday Meeting is a closed meeting  (i.e. only for people who are ACAs; see below for exact definition). Feel free to join the online meeting by if you are an ACA or contact us if you have further questions or want to join the WhatsApp group “ACA Saturday Meeting”:

Further Information

Definition “closed meeting”: A closed meeting is open only for people who have experienced the effects of growing up in an alcoholic and/or dysfunctional family and want to heal. Put differently: Do you want to come? If you are an ACA: you’re welcome! If you are an ACA beginner or a ACA newcomer: you’re welcome! If you are just curious: Sorry, that is a closed meeting…

There are many more live-, online and phone meetings available:

More information…